28 Tips To Energize Your Life

To Revitalize You, To Say Good-Bye To Fatigue…

  1. Eat properly – Nutritious meals are number one in the battle against fatigue.
  2. Get up early – too much sleep can reduce your life expectancy.
  3. High-protein food.
  4. Munch on fruit when you need a snack.
  5. Avoid too much caffeine.
  6. Take vitamin B Complex.
  7. Get proper rest, relaxation and sleep. Relax before you get tired.
  8. Meditate whenever you get an opportunity for it – meditate many times during a day.
  9. Pamper yourself; take a break when you need it.
  10. Daily brisk walking.
  11. Enjoy music and songs whenever you get an opportunity for it during the day.
  12. Enjoy walking rather than driving.
  13. Play outdoor games.
  14. Make something more beautiful – Aesthetic Culture.
  15. Learn how to overcome stress and tension.
  16. Energy follows thought. Do not think about your inadequacies, your defects, your imperfections and your failures. But think about your achievements. Feel your beauty, your inner worth, your Buddha nature.
  17. Enjoy yourself. Look at the beauty and enjoy, listen to music and enjoy, use all your senses and enjoy. Use your senses at their optimum, then you will really live your life will be aflame; it will not be dull, it will be aflame with energy and vitality. Be alive because it is only on the wings of life that you will reach to truth. If you are dull you are lost. Be radiant.
  18. Love more and your body will gather more energy from the whole cosmos.
  19. Be very aware about your eating. Remain aware what and how much you eat, and its effect on your body. If you experiment with awareness, you will certainly find out which is the right food for you, which food gives you tranquillity, peace and health. There are no real difficulties in doing this, but because we do not pay any attention to feed we are never able to discover the right food. And eat joyously and happily.
  20. Take bath daily. It purifies and refreshes not only the body but our innermost core too.
  21. Enjoy reading.
  22. Much time and energy is dissipated in fighting, accept what is. Make friends with what is.
  23. Do not create absolute ideas; remain flexible. Be like water. It has no form, it is infinitely adjustable. That is its beauty, it knows no rigidity. Flexibility is life. It means responding to the moment without any preconceived idea.
  24. Consult your doctor and take medicine whenever needed. Take Neem for healthy body and skin, Bitter Melon (Karela) for regulation and good metabolism, Holi Basil (Tulasi) for relieving cough and cold and boosting immunity, Boswellia Serrata (Shallaki) for relieving joint pain and inflammation, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) for relieving stress, strain and fatigue, Bacopa (Brahmi) for good memory and concentration.
  25. Love your work and be creative. Change your work into fun. Boredom sucks. Work as play. Work as worship. Combine activity and relaxation.
  26. Laugh your way to health. Laughter brings strength. Laughter is one of the most deep-going medicines.
  27. Do not prevent the tears. Let the tears flow. Learn to talk with God. Weep alone. Do not repress your tears.
  28. Let silence rejuvenate you. Learn the silence – the silence which is alive, positive, and affirmative. Silence is a joy. It is not just absence of worry – it is the presence of ecstasy. The real silence has to be in the crowd. When the crowd cannot disturb your solitude, then it is yours. When nothing disturbs you, when nothing distracts you, then you are centered. When you are really silent, you will find silence everywhere. Silence is something inside; quiet I something outside, hence, silence is not quiet. Quiet depends on conditions outside; silence is unconditional. Watch, witness, be centered, meditate and enjoy silence.

The Many Benefits Of Good Posture

Having good posture is an important part of remaining healthy. IT helps you avoid back pain and premature wear on your bones, improves lung performance, and much more. In this article, we will explain what good posture is before explaining the many benefits that it provides.

What is good posture?

Posture is the form that your body takes when you are sitting, standing, and laying down. Maintaining “good” posture is positioning your body so there is less strain placed upon your body’s muscles and ligaments when in these positions.

It requires your body to be as close to its natural shape as possible. So if you are sitting down, this would mean:

  • Keeping your chin up and looking forward
  • Keeping your shoulders back (not slouching)
  • Bending your knees at a right angle
  • Keeping your feet flat on the floor
  • Keeping your back straight enough that all 3 natural curves of the spine are present.

Sitting with good posture distributes weight more evenly across your muscle groups – helping you avoid neck, shoulder and back pain. It also allows you to comfortably work for longer periods and avoid some serious long-term health problems.

Having a chair with lumbar support will help you maintain good back posture.

What are the benefits of good posture?

Protects your future health

Having good posture will keep your joints correctly aligned, protecting the joint surfaces from abnormal wear-and-tear. By preventing this type of wear-and-tear, you can lower your risk of various illnesses including arthritis and postural hunchback.

It makes it easier to breathe

The diaphragm is a large muscle that is responsible for respiration. When the diaphragm moves, it changes how much pressure there is within the thorax – causing air to either enter or exit the lungs.

Posture affects breathing because it changes how much room the diaphragm has to move. If you are slouched in a chair or while walking, the diaphragm cannot contract or expand as easily, preventing you from taking deep breaths. As soon as you correct your posture, you will immediately notice how much easier it is to breathe. This is a particularly useful benefit for anyone who has a health condition that affects their breathing.

Can help prevent back pain

Developing good posture can eliminate back pain caused by stressed muscles and poor joint alignment. It does so by actively reducing the strain placed on the muscles and joints by spreading weight across the entire body. This ensures that certain muscles or joints are not overworked or damaged.

Over time, having good posture will even improve the alignment of your spine, which will improve the condition of your back and reduce the risk of back injuries. You will be less likely to suffer from herniated discs, muscle strains or other back problems.

Improved physical performance

Good posture requires the use of more muscle groups. Not only does this reduce the chances of straining a single muscle, it can lead to an improvement in overall physical performance. Having the ability to engage muscles more evenly will help you perform better during daily activities and any sports that you play.

Strengthens the core

If you have already made improvements to your sitting posture, you will have noticed that your abdominal muscles feel more engaged. Your abdominals will be “sharing the load” with your back muscles as they keep your torso stable. The more you improve your posture, the stronger your core will get, thus improving the alignment of your spine, reducing stress on your back muscles, and improving your mobility.

Makes you look more attractive

Have you ever seen an actor or actress on a talk show? Did you notice how impeccable his or her posture was? Actors and actresses concentrate on having good posture because they understand how much it affects their appearance. By sitting tall in their seat and keeping their chin up, they will look much more beautiful or handsome to the viewers at home. You will gain the same benefits as you improve your posture.

Improved digestion of food

Sitting or standing with good posture will ensure your internal organs are in their natural position. This makes it easier for the body to digest food and perform other important functions like maintaining good blood circulation.

Can improve your mood

Researchers from the University of San Francisco have discovered that having good posture can help improve a person’s mood. They found that improved posture could also increase energy levels and reduce the risk of mental illnesses like depression.

Improving your posture can deliver some amazing benefits to your health and lifestyle. If you are interested in developing good posture, talk to a chiropractor or general practitioner. You can also use online resources like NHS choices to learn more.

Healthy Fruits And Their Health Benefits

Health benefits of eating fruits are exceptional for perfect health. They are an excellent source of natural vitamins and minerals which are needed by your body for proper functioning. Nutritionists recommend inclusion of dietary fiber in your daily diets and fruits are the best source of gut-friendly fiber. It keeps your digestion and vent system work properly and protects from ailments like constipation, gastritis etc.

We know very well, the human body is knowledgeable construction and several disparate convoluted reactions takes place in every fraction of the moment. Today, everyone has a busy lifestyle due to that reason most of the people’s eating pattern become arranged with preservatives and processed foods, that are not only lacking imperative nutrients but can also responsible for the birth of noxious disease in the human body. When your body shows any health disorders or it falls ill, these kinds of concerns are recover or treated with a healthy diet which can be easily gained by eating various nutritious fruits.

Many fruits are also an excellent source of antioxidants. They help you fight free radicals which can protect you from many diseases. Many studies recommend that eating a diet rich in flavonoids can lower the risk of heart disease by a surprise 65 percent. Antioxidants may also help you improve the health and quality of your skin and hair.

Health benefits of fruits:

Fruits are absolutely cholesterol free

They are low in sodium and calories

Rich in potassium, Vitamin C, Folate

Dietary fiber in fruits helps reduce cholesterol and lowers risk of heart ailments

Fruits are also an excellent source of antioxidants

Our body digests fruits effortlessly and provides an instant supply of energy in the very short interval of time, it is considered a prime benefit of fruits that one can take advantage of busy schedules. Therefore, sports person, gymnastics, pregnant women and sick patients are mostly guided by doctors to add fruits to their balanced diet for the incessant supply of energy which required by the body in a natural manner.

Almost, every species of fruits have the spacious nutritional profile but you know, type and quantity of nutrients vary with the selection of different fruits in your diet. The nutrients in fruit are censorious for health and maintenance of your body. The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium may also decline the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age.

The comfort of fruit for your hair health can be enjoyed through hair masks. Melon and banana hair masks are endorsed by many beauty professionals for hair care at home. You can also make a paste of lemon juice and aloe vera and apply it to your hair. Keep the paste on for approximately minutes and then exhaustively wash your hair with mild shampoo. These packs not only improve hair quality but also terminate scalp disorders like dandruff and itching.

Best way to consume fruits is to eat them raw and when they are ripe. Avoid cooking fruits as all the nutrients will be lost. Eating a diet rich in fruits may protect you from certain kinds of cancer. FODMAPs are found in dairy, wheat, garlic, onions, beans, some fruits, artificial sweeteners, and other foods. And some people simply aren’t able to digest them very well.

Common Winter Foot Problems

With winter upon us, the snow-covered mountains may be beckoning you onto an adventure. The cold, snowy months of winter offer many opportunities for a fun time whether that’s sledding, snowshoeing, skiing snowboarding or hiking.

While these activities are fun ways to enjoys those cold winter days, they can also take a toll on your feet. The cold, dry air and slippery, wet and uneven terrain of the slopes can increase one’s risk of the following common winter foot problems:

  1. Dry Skin

You may have been accustomed to slathering your hands with lotion and constantly apply lip moisturizer when you’re out and about in the winter. The harsh winter air is notorious for drying out skin. The skin of your feet isn’t exempt. Dry skin on the foot can lead to painful cuts and cracks on the feet, most common on the heels as this part of the foot absorbs a lot of pressure and it constantly rubs against the inside of one’s shoe or boot. Cracked heels can be treated with moisturizing lotion and padded socks.

  1. Blisters

While one can get blisters any time of the year, winter poses unique situations where blisters are more likely to occur. If you’re a winter sports enthusiast, you likely rent ski boots, snowshoes and snowboard boots. As hard as you try to find the most comfortable fit, it is nearly impossible to find the right rental that fits your feet exactly. Even boots that are slightly too big can cause rubbing of the skin that can form blisters. The same rubbing can occur with regular boots that you may wear only a few times of year.

The early part of the winter season is also a busy one where one may be on his or her feet longer than normal. This can make once comfortable shoes worn for a short amount of time uncomfortable and ill-fitting, causing excessive rubbing.

  1. Foot Fractures

Whether it’s a patch of ice in the driveway or an uneven pile of snow, the slick surfaces can easily cause falls that can result in broken and fractured feet and ankles, sprained ankles, twisted ankles and pulled muscles of the feet and ankles.

  1. Athlete’s Foot

All-cotton and all-wool socks may be warm and have extra comfortable padding, but these materials keep the feet from being able to breathe and get dry. Combine this with hard, active, prolonged exercise required to do many of the common winter activities and you can end up with fungal infections such as Athlete’s Foot.

  1. Arthritis

The cold air mixed with the moisture of snow and/or rain can cause one’s arthritis in the hands and feet to flare up. These flare ups can involve great pain, discomfort and stiffness that can impact one’s daily mobility and activities.

  1. Ingrown Toenails

Similar to blisters in the sense one can get an ingrown toenail any time of the year, these foot nuisances are often the results of ill-fitting shoes and boots and from adjusting one’s stride so more pressure and weight than normal are placed on the toes, causing them to get crunched at the toe of the shoe.

20 Foods That Are Good for Healthy Bones

Our body is composed structurally of bones as the primary support. Bone health is considered essential for everyone since weak bones make our life miserable. Essential nutrients for healthy bones can be obtained through various natural foods. The following food types promote healthy bones.

1. Milk

Milk has a high calcium content value. Calcium is very necessary for healthy bones since it forms the structural part of the bones. The bones are composed of interlocking calcium crystals performing the role of mechanical support. A glass of fat milk daily can give approximately 300mg of calcium. Females should drink at least two glasses of milk every day for healthy bones. Drinking milk in adulthood often saves one from several bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt has numerous medical advantages. No other food product is better than dairy products in ensuring healthy bones. If you are not comfortable with the taste of milk, then you should try eating yogurt as it contains the same amount of calcium as milk. Therefore, eating yogurt is a good alternative and an ideal approach to meeting the bodies daily need for calcium. 8 ounces of plain yogurt contains roughly up to 450 milligrams of calcium. Additionally, yogurt contains numerous different supplements, for example, vitamin D, B, potassium, magnesium, and proteins. Vitamin D is a key segment and the most beneficial of these supplements for making the bones stronger.

3. Cheese

Cheese is the most well-known in dairy products. It appears worldwide in various food items as well as in bakeries. Cheese has its own unique heavenly taste. Those individuals who don’t consume milk or yogurt can increase the numerous medical advantages they receive by eating cheese. Cheese is loaded with numerous supplements, for example, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B and D. One ounce of Swiss cheese gives 200mg of calcium. Adding a little cheese to your food assists in strengthening your bones.

4. Sardines

Sardines are rich in calcium, and vitamin D. Calcium gives basic help to bones while vitamin D increases the power of your body to ingest calcium. 3 ounces of sardines results in the calcium equivalent of a glass of milk. Sardines are rich in vitamin B 12, which ensures low levels of homocysteine in the body. Raised levels of homocysteine, generally, can quicken osteoporosis as well as bone degeneration.

5. Sesame Seeds

Eating sesame seeds is a brilliant decision for stronger bones. They contain calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, dietary filaments, copper, selenium, and zinc. Calcium and phosphorus help in strengthening the bones. Copper is an antioxidant and plays a protective role by the alignment of collagen fibers within the bones. Zinc helps in keeping osteoporosis at bay.

6. Salmon

Anyone wanting to have stronger bones is advised to take food rich in vitamin D as well as Omega 3 fatty acids. These are abundant in salmon. Calcium deposition and absorption into the bones is done by vitamin D while the omega three fatty acids perform protection of the bones against inflammation and damage.

7. Collard greens

Collard greens also contain calcium, vitamin K, vitamin D and A. All these components help in strengthening bones.

8. Spinach

Spinach is undoubtedly a fantastic source of vitamin K, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin A as well as folate. A cup of spinach is estimated to provide 25% of the total amount of calcium required by the body. All the above nutrients are beneficial for bone strength.

9. Fortified Cereals

A good source of vitamin D and calcium. Calcium for strong bones and joints. Vitamin D plays a significant role in bone health.

10. Tofu

Many people describe tofu as tasty. However, they are not fully aware of the nutritious content. Tofu has a high calcium content, making it a perfect alternative food for bone health. Tofu is recommended for consumption due to the high content of calcium in it. This is estimated to be 77%, hence, it is highly recommended for the body.

11. Soybeans

According to research, soybeans promote the health of an individual through fighting osteoporosis which is a disease related to bone thinning. They contain the natural flavones which are antioxidants necessary for bone protection. However, they provide minimal amounts of calcium so they are mostly valuable as an antioxidant to fight osteoporosis.

12. Beans

Beans serve many purposes in the body, including maintaining healthy bones. They are a rich source of protein, as well as calcium, as well as other trace elements. However, they are most preferred because they have a low-calorie value so they can be consumed in high amounts without causing weight gain.

13. Orange Juice

According to studies, bones are composed of collagen proteins at the central core, and this cross-link gives structural support to the bones. This is also aided by the interlocking crystals of phosphates as well as calcium. All these nutrients are found in vitamin C, and orange juice is one of the best sources for them.

14. Nuts

Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, contain omega three fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated and powerful antioxidants, which provide protection to bones from many diseases. The antioxidants decrease bone reabsorption through osteoclast inhibition, which is a cell that is responsible for bone matrix breakdown. They also help calcium absorption and prevention of inflammation.

15. Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables are known to possess other nutrients needed by the body, especially the green ones. Dark leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin K, magnesium, folic acid, calcium and potassium hence, they can act as a substitute for dairy products because they provide the same nutrients.

16. Eggs

Eggs are also a necessity for the maintenance and growth of bones. Their contribution is due to the possession of vitamin B complex as well as vitamin D.

17. Tuna

Apart from the sun, one may opt to use other sources of food that are sources for vitamin D. A good example is tuna fish, which has a good amount of vitamin D, necessary for making the bones to be strong.

18. Kiwi

Kiwifruit is a magical food because it is a natural source of vitamin C, which promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers in bones. Similar to oranges, they are also delicious. Sweet prunes also aid the bones in being fracture-free. They are regarded as a super healthy food with research proving that they can efficiently lower the chances of being affected with the osteoporosis infection, as well as fractures, which is good news for women who are in the post-menopausal stage, who usually have a high possibility of suffering from joint and bone problems. The nutrients contained in the prunes include vitamin C, K as well as antioxidants that are essential for maintaining the health of the bones.

19. Meat Proteins

Calcium, collagen proteins, and vitamins are the components of our bones. Hence, proteins are a necessity required for not only proper growth, but also the flexibility of the bones. It is, therefore, a requirement that one’s diet consists of high protein food as well as meat. However, caution should be taken since too much consumption of meat is harmful to overall health.

20. Apples

Apples contain Quercetin, which helps in building collagen, a major component of the cartilage. Apples keep the skin, cartilage and bones healthy and strong.

6 Awesome Tips to Get Fit While Doing Housework

Did you know that you can burn a lot of calories doing house chores? According to fitness experts, house chores can burn up to an average of 250 calories in an hour for a 150-lb individual. This post has highlighted some of the ways you can use your house chores to build up a sweat and get fit while doing housework.

1. Turn a bend into a functional exercise

Every time you are doing a chore that requires bending, turn the motion into an exercise by modifying the way you move. For instance, when picking up something from the floor, you can do it with a lunge. Or, you can do a full squat when, say, you are lifting groceries or a laundry basket.

2. Doing Laundry

Doing the laundry is a sure way to give you a great work out. It takes a lot of physical work to keep your clothes clean; from lifting up heavy laundry baskets, to lifting your arms upwards and downwards when hanging the clothes outside. Instead of using a washing machine, you can hand-wash your clothes to burn more calories and stay fit. Obviously, washing clothes by hand involves more physical activity than simply using a washing machine.

Here are other ways you can exercise to stay fit instead of using mechanized equipment:

  • Rake the leaves instead of using a blower
  • A manual mower will give you greater exercise than using a gasoline mower
  • Wash your car at home instead of taking it to a car wash
  • Washing the dishes, rather than using the dishwasher, involves a lot of bending and reaching actions which are good exercises to do.
  • Lay off blenders and choppers and use a mortar and pestle and a knife to do your food prep work.

3. Vacuuming

This is another house chore that can give you a great work out. In fact, it offers you the same level of physical activity as rowing or hiking. While at it, extend the stretches of your muscles by dusting even the hard-to-reach places. Again, consider doing the whole house in one go. This way, you are sure to work up quite a sweat.

Also, while vacuuming, add some lunges to tone up your buns and legs. You can begin at one end of the house and do lunges as you vacuum over to the other side of the house. However, do your best not to lean on the vacuum cleaner, but rather rely on it for balance only.

4. Do chores that use a lot of muscles regularly

Chores, like scrubbing a wall daily, sweeping, mopping, cleaning rugs, chores that involve climbing up and down stairs several times, ironing, and dusting (especially hard-to-reach places) are strenuous activities that put a lot of muscles to use. Doing such chores regularly is sure to keep you fit.

5. Consider making a playlist of upbeat music to help you set the pace while doing chores

Scientific studies confirm that listening to fast-paced music can encourage you to make quicker moves and maximize the results of your physical activities.

Use upbeat music when doing chores like vacuuming, mopping, cleaning windows, scrubbing the walls, and other such chores.

6. Other ways to get fit while doing housework

Doing tricep dips while, say, making your bed, or climbing up and down a ladder while painting, or decorating, or doing squats while loading the dishwasher, are examples of activities that you can throw in a few exercises while doing them and working around the house.

Big changes come from small beginnings so, even making the smallest change, or implementing one simple action, can help to make you fit, especially if you make it a habit every day. When you begin to build these habits, you can slowly increase the difficulty level and try working a bit harder, but remember; it all starts with building good habits.

Chinese Acupuncture As an Ancient Medical Treatment

With the many, fast and rising medical technologies these days, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to choose natural treatments which have long term benefits. One of them would be Chinese Acupuncture. This method has been practiced for many centuries and up until now, many patients would still go for this healing method.

If you’d like to widen your healing options, you can consider Chinese Acupuncture as an ancient yet longstanding medical treatment. Here are just some of the benefits you can gain with this type of treatment method:

Personalized Treatments

Although every patient have similar sicknesses, acupuncturists never treat each one of them in the same way. For instance, common colds usually have standard prescriptions and treatment procedures. However upon going for Chinese Acupuncture, you’ll find the specialists will further classify and identify the causes of your colds.

Every person has a personal and unique health history. The details of a person’s appearance will also be considered by the acupuncturist, as these may be manifestations or signs of how the patient’s chi is balanced or imbalanced. Given the detailed diagnosis, each patient may then be given his or her personalized treatment.

It Definitely Works

For a method to last through centuries, it must be able to have positive effects on the body. The reason why Chinese Acupuncture is still widely used is due to its effectiveness. It works on the principle of activating or stimulating the body’s natural capacity to heal itself. Through very thin needle insertions, specific meridians of the body will allow a much more open flow of energy. If you’re thinking of lessening your drug intake, you’d be glad to find how you may not need medications when specific acupuncture techniques are applied to your body.

Effective for Stress Relief

It’s lately known that those who undergo acupuncture sessions have lessened instances of feeling stressful. The hormones which activate high levels of stress have significantly been reduced. The body’s fight or flight response wasn’t as evident upon having regular sessions of acupuncture.

It Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Instead of taking medications, some patients have actually resorted to acupuncture sessions to feel much better. If you’d like to know how your body can adjust itself to relaxation, you can ask your specialist on which specific techniques can work best for you. While acupuncture predisposes your body to feel calm and relaxed, it must however be noted that it can’t be the sole solution to anxiety and depression. It’s best to complement the sessions with your doctor’s advised methods so you can be on your way to wellness.

It Boosts Your Fertility

If you’d like to have a family soon, it may be a good idea for you to try acupuncture. For women, this ancient method has the capacity to regulate your hormones and increase the blood flow towards the ovaries and uterus.

How Acupuncture Can Help Your Body

This article looks at the health benefits of acupuncture treatment and how acupuncture can help your body.

Acupuncture is a famous treatment procedure for a wide range of health conditions. It is a drug-free approach that entails inserting thin needles through the skin at specific body points. So, when and where did it originate from? How does it work? What are the health benefits of acupuncture treatment? Does it have any side effects? Read on to find out everything you need to know about acupuncture.

When and where did it originate from?

Acupuncture is the oldest form of treatment dating back to around 2nd century B.C. Its roots can be traced back to China where it started before spreading to other parts of the world. Despite the rapid growth and inventions in the medical field, Acupuncture has proven its worthiness and its still being used alongside modern medical practices.

What health conditions is it used to combat?

Acupuncture is used to fight various health conditions related to the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory systems of the body. Such conditions include acute bronchitis, chronic tonsillitis, migraine, infertility, lower back pain, bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, facial paralysis, spasm of the cardia and esophagus, and many more. This procedure can also be used to combat addictions such as smoking and alcoholism. Acupuncture corrects imbalances in the major organs of the body which is the primary origin of many diseases hence preventing their development.

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is based on the assumption that most health conditions develop due to blockage or interruption of the body’s life energy flow. This interruption or blockage of flow results to the accumulation of fluid in some parts of the body resulting in swelling and pain due to excess pressure. A blockage also cuts out the supply of nutrients to all parts of the body leading to malnutrition. This makes one feel fatigue, weak and even experience slow healing if they have injuries on these parts.

Acupuncture removes blockages in the body hence relieving pain and swelling, allowing nutrients to reach all body parts thus making one to be relaxed. The body’s energy balance is restored making one feel vibrant and energized. This treatment approach involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body called acupuncture points. Depending on the condition being treated, the points of insertion and the number of needles may vary from one person to another. The needles used in the treatment are pre-sterilised and should be used only once. They are inserted just under the skin or deeper to reach the muscle where are they left in place for around 20 to 40 minutes. In some cases, the needles may be rotated or stimulated using a mild electric current. At the end of the session, you will get a deep sense of relaxation.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is not painful, but one may experience a tingling or warm sensation when the practitioner is inserting the needles. If you experience too much pain, numbness or any other form of discomfort, let the practitioner know immediately.

Benefits of acupuncture?

  • No significant side effects as compared to using drugs
  • Can be combined with other forms of treatments when carried out appropriately
  • One gets personalized therapy according to their needs
  • Works both as a preventive and treatment measure
  • One can comfortably continue with their normal life even when undergoing this procedure

These are all good examples of how acupuncture can help your body.

Side effects of acupuncture

  • Soreness, bruising and bleeding on the points of insertion (Risky for patients with a bleeding disorder or users of blood thinners)

Other alarming side effects of acupuncture procedure mostly arise from poor hygiene and training of the practitioner. Such include;

  • Infection because of using unsterilized needlesof internal organs especially the lungs which can collapse
  • Wrong angle of inserting needles or doing it too deeply resulting damage

Why Acupuncture can be a better approach to healing than using modern western drugs:

Modern western drugs have side effects that sometimes even outdo the condition the drugs are meant to treat. This means they will do more harm than good, especially when used over a long period. Acupuncture, on the other hand, doesn’t leave behind significant side-effects if it’s carried out safely by the right professional. Another good example of how acupuncture can help your body.

The different kinds of acupuncture include:


This type of acupuncture involves rotating the needles once they are inserted in the body or stimulating them using a mild electric current. It gives the patient a tingling sensation which some practitioners say it facilitates healing.

Body Acupuncture

This is the most common type of acupuncture which entails inserting fine needles into various points on the body ranging from the toe to the head. The treatment is used to fight a wide range of conditions.

Auricular acupuncture

This type of acupuncture entails inserting fine needles in the ear where it is believed there are acupuncture points that represent all parts of the body. The procedure is useful in combating addictions such as alcohol or smoking, and when combined with body acupuncture, it can help treat infertility.

Acupressure and Acu-Acoustics

With this type of acupuncture, the practitioner massages or presses key acupuncture points. This acupuncture is useful in combating fatigue, skin conditions or painful conditions such as migraine. Patients don’t necessarily need to visit clinics when undergoing this type of procedure. They can learn how to carry out this type of acupuncture with the help of their practitioners or programs such as Natural Synergy system. This way, they will be taught how to identify critical points and massage themselves at the comfort of their home. Of cause, no practitioner will readily teach you how to do this type of treatment on your own because they will be losing customers.

Most of them charge per session and the more sessions you attend, the better for them pocket-wise. But what about you? Are you getting any better? Are there any inconveniences on your side such time or privacy? If the answers to the preceding questions are no and yes respectively, maybe you need an alternative.

Natural Synergy

Natural Synergy is a program designed to teach you the art of acupressure and help you achieve your health goals at the comfort of your home. Emily J. Parker was the mind behind this program where she aims to help patients eliminate the root cause of various diseases instead of fighting the symptoms only like how most medications do.

Natural Synergy offers natural solutions to various psychological, or emotional conditions. The program teaches you how to use acupressure to clear blockages in the body to make it function naturally and smoothly for overall well-being. Through this program, one will learn how to identify meridian points they need to concentrate on to effectively fight a health condition.

Poor diet is the leading cause of most illnesses. With the help of this program, one will learn how to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to remain healthy. One will also be able to identify diseases that you can reverse naturally.

Natural Synergy system is well presented in audio and video tutorials to make it easy for anybody to use it regardless of their education level. This program can help you to maintain the overall well-being of your body in a natural approach. There are no side-effects, and the best thing is you can practice the guidelines of this program while enjoying the comfort of your home.


Are you still wondering how acupuncture can help your body? The above article outlines everything you need to know about this ancient treatment procedure. It can fight a wide range of health conditions and the best this is that it is all natural with no side-effects. We hope that the above article has been useful and has helped explain the health benefits of acupuncture treatment and how acupuncture can help your body.

All About Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is an alternative to contemporary medicine. The treatment method corrects imbalances in the body and works in different ways that include:

  • Addressing the environment and the external factors of the patient.
  • Helping the patients relate to the internal emotions in a healthier way.
  • Improving the lifestyle of the patients. This includes promoting better diet and exercise.

The traditional Chinese medicine affects different areas of the body but it focuses on only a few of these areas. The areas include: large intestine, gallbladder, small intestine, lung, liver, spleen, kidneys, and heart.

Benefits of traditional Chinese medicine

The treatment option comes with many advantages that include:

Reduced inflammation: The herbs and mushrooms used in the treatment have antioxidant, antiapoptotic, autophagic, and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. When you take the herbs, you have reduced levels of oxidative stress and inflammation thus you protect the body cells, tissues, and organs from developing diseases.

Reduction of chronic pain and headache: The use of acupuncture and acupressure plays a vital role in managing pain brought about by arthritis and other medical conditions. Experts have also found that treatment methods such as eating a healthy diet and tai chi aid in reducing chronic tension headaches.

Hormonal balance: Research studies show that the herbs used in the treatment contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidants that improve the functions within the endocrine and central nervous system. This aids in improving the healing abilities of the body and balances the hormones such as insulin, estrogen, cortisol, and testosterone.

Improvement of the health of the liver: Since traditional Chinese medicine advocates that you take a healthy diet, the diet aids in improving the health of the liver. Some of the best foods that you should take to improve the health of your liver include: sweet potatoes, healthy fats, spices rich in ginger and garlic, and herbs. You should avoid fried foods, sugary drinks, and snacks, refined oils, alcohol, and processed carbohydrates.

Tips to consider when engaging in traditional Chinese medicine

For you to have a great experience with the treatment method, you need to consider a number of tips. Before you settle on a given practitioner, always take your time to research him/her and ensure that he/she is reputable. Experts recommend that you visit a number of facilities and take a look at the displayed certifications. If there are no certifications, you should stay away from the practitioner.

While the herbs are natural, you should take them under maximum supervision. You shouldn’t take them if suffering from a medical condition or when pregnant. You should avoid medications from an unknown company as they might be containing dangerous additives, lead, cadmium, mercury, and traces of other heavy metals.

To get the most from the treatment method, you should incorporate different lifestyle and preventative habits such as exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and taking beneficial supplements.


This is what you need to know about traditional Chinese medicine. You should remember that the medications are recommended as complementary treatment methods; therefore, you should try them together with the complementary medications. To avoid complications always follow the doctor’s advice.

What Are The Hidden Benefits Of Herbal Medicines?

When you think about the herbal remedies, there are different questions that roam in your mind. Thus, the existence of herbal remedies is hard to gulp down for many. However, the history of herbal medicines has proved its effectiveness in many cases. Despite the criticism among the different parts of the world, many people still love the high impact of Ayurveda in treating their worsen scars over the time. There are several common drugs derived from plant-based sources for treating the most common congenital diseases for their wide advantages. From the roots to the tips, different parts of a plant are used to reap the benefits.

The allopathic drugs are made with most chemicals, which harm the body and react in some way. The synthetic chemicals and active plant and animal based ingredients can worsen the problems. However, the healing power of Ayurveda has numerous of benefits with hardly posses any side effects on the body or mind. Natural plant products have been used globally in treating various common and some of the most complex problems. They have several advantages to cure the problems effectively and have banished them from the roots.

Top Advantages Of Herbal Medicines To Cure The Common Problems:-

  • No Side Effects: Herbal remedies are handy and there are no side effects of using the organic matters directly from your garden. Alike the allopathic drugs, they don’t have bad impact on your skin, body and mind. They are modest as when compared to all the drugs in the pharmaceutical industries and are the best for those who are allergic to certain drugs.
  • Lower Cost: There are some best of treatments available in the science that cures the problems but not everyone can afford them for their expensive nature. The Ayurvedic medicines are relatively cheaper in the nature when compared to allopathic drugs. Moreover, they are easily available in the abundant quantities over the world.
  • Ease Of Availability Over The Prescribed Ones: Herbal products such as oils, teas, medicines, etc. extracted from the plants are healthier and are available easily in most stores as they are cost effective for both the suppliers and the consumers. Furthermore, you don’t need to get prescription from the doctor before its consumption.
  • Beneficial For Its Healing Properties: A wide assortment of herbs is used for treating the chronic and acute conditions and various ailments. From glowing skin to treating the worsen epidermis damage, herbs can do wonders for your skin to cure the problems effectively.